11th October 2016 | Worldwide
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SF Edwards Joins Space Dock– Author of ‘the Spiral War trilogy.’
We are delighted to announce the first author for Paul Corcoran as acquiring editor of Tickety Boo Press’ flagship imprint. He is said to be delighted at the news. “I am happy to announce the first author to join the Space Dock family. SF Edwards is a writer of cutting edge science fiction that will keep you reading and wanting more.”
Dave de Burgh, Tickety Boo acquisitions editor mused. “Spiral War is the start of something special and exciting; battles in space, advanced technology, and an interesting quantum-spiritual exploration combine to make this a fresh, new celebration of Military SF. Very proud to welcome SF Edwards to Tickety Boo Press and Space Dock!”
The first book, “On Daggers Wings,” and prequel, “On The Cusp,” will be going to editors soon, artists will be instructed and the prequel and book 1 will be out early 2017.
What happened to book seven “Stolen Sanctum”?